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Economic Transformation


Economic Transformation

TEEB Global (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity) Impacts Study

Where: Global 

Role: Research Coordinator

Client: UNEP 

Compiled information from TEEB interventions (integrating the valuation of nature into economic and financial decision-making at global, national, institutional, and corporate level); analyzed the impact of effectiveness of those TEEB studies on the country, private sector and implementing partners; researched and documented success stories arising from TEEB publications, and implementation in general, across the world, over the past decade (2010-2020). 

Timeline: December 2019 until June 2020 

Links: TEEB website


Economics of water systems

Where: Mexico (Sinaloa) 

Role: Advisor 

Client: Conselva (unpaid)

Advised and supported the NGO Conselva in their mission to protect watersheds in the Mexican state of Sinaloa and integrate watershed management into economic descision-making (included valuation studies, communications on values, green versus grey infrastructure, carbon markets). 


Timeline: June 2019 until December 2022

Links: Conselva website

High Level Panel on the Economy to the President of Namibia

Where: Namibia

Role: Advisor and Member of Panel

Client: Office of the President Namibia (unpaid)

Appointed to advise the President of Namibia on matters of economic transformation to reduce inequality and poverty in Namibia in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. During this time, developed blueprint strategies for country-level transformations in agriculture, energy, transport, and proposals for economic drivers. Also developed a proposal for systems thinking workshops and hosting systems dynamics modelling with politicians and leaders to conduct visioning for taking advantage of key leverage points to drive economic development for the country. 


Timeline: March 2019 until March 2020 

Economic transformation work across Africa - Wellbeing Economy 

Where: Africa

Role: Leader and Head of Secretariat

Client: Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation (University of Pretoria)

Led the core action group and hosted the Secretariat of the WE-Africa network.  Responsible for coordinating membership, collaboration of research and action projects, advising governments on transitioning to wellbeing economies, building coherent body of knowledge and practice, as well as communications. In Namibia, we hosted Lorenzo Fioramonti as a discussant to lay a foundation of awareness on options for a wellbeing economy, among others. Invited to various international platforms to share expertise as keynote/panel speaker. 


Timeline: November 2017 until June 2019

Namibia case-study - building beyond-GDP indicators to measure country’s progress

Where: Namibia

Role: Research Coordinator

Client: Self-driven and then included various sponsors

Led a team on a (ongoing) project on determining indicators to measure progress in Namibia. Included hosting depth dialogues to collect narratives for defining progress. Worked with the Young Achievers Empowerment Project in Katutura, Namibia, in mentorship with the Balaton Network on Sustainability. The firm that I started, Progress Namibia TAS cc, sponsored this project since the beginning of 2016, through financial and technical contributions. Partnered with the National Statistics Agency and the Economics Association of Namibia as well as Centre for Study of Governance Innovation and hosted Lorenzo Fioramonti in Namibia - including various meetings with politicians, public lectures and media interviews. Developed a short video on seeking narratives for a good life for Namibia (in order to better understand what is important to Namibians). Developing a research project (with NSA) on work on the Genuine Progress Indicator. Published two papers in peer reviewed journals, have continued to work with Katutura East Councillor on improving social conditions for residents (particularly in Sonderwater). 


Links: Public Lecture of Lorenzo Fioramonti, Short Video on Narratives, Journal Article 

Timeline: 2016 until 2020

Feasibility study for Community-Based Tourism Enterprises (CBTE) of selected sites in southern regions of Namibia 

Where: Namibia

Role: Oversight

Client: Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, Government of Namibia

Oversaw the development of the assessment and sustainability plan of six CBNRM conservancies, conducted a rapid situational analysis of existing CBTEs and preliminary economic analysis for tourism in nine selected sites, and developed an in-depth feasibility report presenting a strategy and business plan for harnessing tourism activities in three sites found most suitable.

Timeline: June until November 2018

Town transformation through economic diversification

Where: Namibia

Role: Advisor and Trainer

Client: University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership

Facilitated key sessions on various sustainability sessions, such as mobility and food dilemmas, planetary boundaries, communication, and much more. Was part of training about shared value for corporations, and on developing business models that are sustainable in sectors like tourism, local food production systems, etc. Supporting town transformation of the town of Oranjemund toward a sustainable model town, including holding citizenry dialogues and co-creation of town transformation. 

Timeline: Five three-day workshops between June 2016 until July 2017

Links: Oranjemund Town Transformation Website

Global programmatic development of Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (Coast, Ocean and Land) for United Nations Environment Programme

Where: Global (with case study piloting in Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Tanzania, Kenya, South Africa, India, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia)

Role: Project Developer and Advisor

Client: UNEP

Supported the Economics Division and Ecosystems Division of UNEP in the development of a large (20 million USD) project “Valuing the Essentials” that encompasses the following work streams: System of Environmental Economics Accounts (in five countries), Inclusive Wealth Index, TEEB for Agriculture and Food, TEEB for Oceans and Coasts. Developed the Theory of Change, including complex causal pathways, and led the finalisation of project for submission. 


Timeline: January 2018 until May 2018

Terminal Evaluation of the 'Strengthening decision-making through Valuation and Accounting of Natural Capital for Green Economy' (VANTAGE)

Where: Global

Role: Evaluator

Client: UNEP

Conducted the terminal evaluation of the VANTAGE project, a project that focused on strengthening decision-making through proper valuation and accounting of natural capital. The evaluation included developing the Theory of Change and conducting an ROtI analysis. 


Timeline: January 2018 until June 2018

Policy and Research Group Core Member of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance

Where: Global (and African representative)

Role: Active member of working group

Client: WE-Alliance (unpaid)

Conducted various research studies, complied and co-developed policy briefs, conducted seminars and talks, facilitated sessions and actively participated in strategy development on economic transformations at country level towards wellbeing economies.


Timeline: January 2018 - January 2019

Terminal Evaluation of the TEEB Phase III Project (Economics of Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity) National Implementation

Where:  Liberia, Bhutan, Tanzania, Philippines, Ecuador

Role: Evaluator

Client: UNEP

Conducted the terminal evaluation of the “The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity - TEEB Phase III", including the project “TEEB National Implementation: Reflecting the Value of Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Policymaking” (funded by the EU Thematic Programme for Environment and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources including Energy (ENRTP)). This evaluation included field visits and intensive stakeholder consultations in countries Liberia, Tanzania, Philippines, Bhutan and Ecuador. Also responsible for developing the Theory of Change. It also involves recommendations toward the development of the TEEB Phase IV Project (which I then led - see above Programmatic Development of TEEB).


Timeline: December 2016 until June 2017

Terminal Evaluation of 'Strengthening ecosystems and development linkages through innovative economic approaches for green growth

Where: Global

Role: Evaluator

Client: UNEP

Evaluated the Green Growth Global Umbrella Project, including developing a Theory of Change, on ecosystem services economics under various partnerships such as the UNEP, ELD, WAVES, TEEB, and others which included the development of various reporting e.g. Inclusive Wealth Report 2014, and various policy maker dialogues and platforms. 


Timeline: May 2016 - August 2016

Terminal Evaluation UNDA 8th Tranch-funded project  'Mainstreaming ecosystem services into country's sectoral and macroeconomic policies and programmes' (Morocco and Kazakhstan)

Where: Morocco, Kazakhstan

Role: Evaluator

Client: UNEP

Evaluated a project on mainstreaming economic services through pilot studies conducted in Morocco and Kazakhstan by various research institutions, universities and regional bodies, coordinated by UNEP. Including the development of a Theory of Change and ROtI analysis.


Timeline: May 2016 until August 2016

Links: Evaluation Report

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