Business for Sustainability
Research Coordinator for TEEB (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity) Impacts Study
Where: Global
Role: Research Coordinator
Client: UNEP
Compiled information from TEEB interventions at corporate level, identified and analyzed the impact of TEEB on various large private sector businesses (including e.g. Land Rover, PNB Paribas Asset Management, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Olam, Kering, etc). This included working with the Natural Capital Coalition (which brings together 300 organisations), focusing on embedding natural capital thinking and assessments into the private sector (business and corporate).
Timeline: December 2019 until June 2020
Links: The Capitals Coalition Website
Supported and advised the business sector in Oranjemund, Namibia
Where: Namibia
Role: Advisor and Trainer
Client: University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership
Supported the training on shared value for corporations, including, through workshops, advised businesses on their business models for sustainability as the town was going through a transformation from a single economic dependency (diamong mining) to becoming more economically diverse (e.g. through tourism, local production etc).
Timeline: Five three-day workshops between June 2016 until July 2017
Links: Oranjemund Town Transformation Website
Advising on business models toward circular economy
Where: Mexico
Client: Durango Gold
Role: Advisor (unpaid)
Had several coaching sessions and advised on different strategies on changing the business model of an exploration company, including linking to several networks and experts. The company chose to work on incorporating shared value into its business model as a result.
Timeline: December 2020 until June 2021
Renewable energy feasibility study for corporate engagement in southern Africa
Where: Southern Africa (SADC region)
Role: Networker and Connector
Client: SAIS and Hermia
Renewable energy fact finding, networking and connector at the PowerGen Conference for Southern
Africa. Conducted pre-conference demand articulation with Finnish companies; attended conference and active contact sourcing; networking and creating strategic linkages between potentials and investment in southern Africa; networking and reporting on renewable energy sector in southern Africa for Hermia Ltd, 15 Finnish Companies interested in renewable energy capacity investment.
Timeline: November 2012