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Strategy Development & Vision


Strategic development of protection programme on watershed management in Sinaloa, Mexico

Where: Mexico

Role: Advisor

Client: Conselva (unpaid)


Supporting the NGO Conselva in their mission to protect watersheds in Sinaloa state (including advising on the economics of ecosystem services, sustainable land management, integrated water resources management, communication and awareness). This included advising on strategy development of the NGO (ten year plan) as well as on strategic communications and connecting to international networks. 


Timeline: June 2019 until June 2022

Links: Conselva Website




National (economic) development plan of Seychelles and Mauritius in Response to COVID-19

Where: Seychelles and Mauritius

Role: Systems Analyst and Strategy Developer



Preparation of systems thinking exercise and blueprint document to inform coherent national economic development plans for Seychelles and Mauritius in response to COVID-19. Was hired to prepare a paper to map out all decision-making processes and plans, and develop systems maps to identify leverage points, co-facilitate and take part in the national consultations, and ultimately provide policy options and pathways that have biggest leverage towards sustainable, resilient and inclusive economic recovery and development. Unfortunately due to contracting COVID, I had to cancel the contract, and as a result only supported the initial planning stages of the work including advising the national consultants and what to do. I found a strong replacement for the contract from my network. 


Timeline: August 2021 until September 2021 (exited out of contract due to health reasons - COVID-19)




Sustainable Land Management Portfolio Review

Where: Global

Role: Reviewer

Client: UNEP


Desktop review of 16 Terminal Evaluations of GEF funded UNEP projects on SLM, to identify commonalities and recurring issues to support a more informed portfolio-review strategy in 2022. The review focused on (a) looking for insights, learning and results that relate to UNEP’s mid-term strategies and the SDGs, identify and position lessons UNEP could provide to the GEF, look for thematic issues that UNEP could (continue to) champion, insights that could inform strategic evaluation questions for the next five UNEP/GEF SLM evaluations. This was then built into a fuller review where I led a team of five evaluators through five terminal evaluations to find commonalities and build into the GEF-8 strategy planning on sustainable land management for UNEP.


Timeline: September 2021 until August 2023




Regional Advisor for BIOPAMA for Southern Africa

Where: Southern Africa

Role: Advisor



Served on the Advisory Committee for Southern Africa. Tasks included proposal assessment, evaluation, final selection and award stage of the BIOPAMA grant process. BIOPAMA supports projects in protected and conserved areas, wider conservation landscapes and priority landscapes.


Timeline: June 2019 until June 2020 

Links: IUCN BIOPAMA website




Wellbeing Economy Policy Development

Where: Global, with focus on Africa

Role: Strategy Developer 

Client: Self-driven, but under WE-Alliance and WE-Africa Networks


Led strategy notes and policy brief development (including on sectors such as tourism, health, energy, etc) on economic transformation in several countries to allow to improved quality of life and enhanced equality. 


Timeline: June 2017 until June 2021




Strategy Development for President of Namibia

Where: Namibia

Role: Strategy Developer


As appointed member of High Level Panel on the Economy to the President of Namibia, developed several strategies on economic transformation, including blueprints for renewable energy, youth employment, industrial development. Advised on several issues including on impact investment. 


Timeline: March 2019 until March 2020




Advising on supporting sustainable development in Namibia through the synergistic implementation of the Rio Conventions, Strategy Development

Where: Namibia

Role: Advisor

Client: Namibia Nature Fund and UNEP WCMC


Advised the team on the development of a strategy and roadmap to enhance synergies across the Rio Convention implementation in Namibia.


Timeline: May 2019 until June 2019




Re-write of the Resource Mobilisation Strategy for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Financing in Namibia

Where: Namibia

Role: Strategy Developer

Client: GIZ Namibia


Re-wrote the Namibia Biodiversity Resource Mobilisation Strategy, including the development of several financial instruments to mobilise resources for biodiversity conservation in Namibia. 


Timeline: September 2018 until October 2018 




In-depth revision of the Strategy Notes (2019-2023) of the Country Programme for UNICEF

Where: Namibia

Role: Strategy Developer

Client: UNICEF Namibia


Reviewed and revised four in-depth strategy notes (strategies for UNICEF interventions supporting the development, safety and nurturing of children: First Decade, Adolescence, Child-Friendly Environment, and Programme Effectiveness), developed Theories of Change for all notes, developed cover note and umbrella Theory of Change. 


Timeline: August 2018




Reviewed and Edited the Education for Sustainable Development Policy and Implementation Plan of Namibia

Where: Namibia

Role: Reviewer and Advisor

Client: University of Namibia and Hanns Seidel Foundation


Conducted the critical review of both the ESD National Policy as well as the Implementation Plan. 


Timeline: October 2017




Re-costing of the Second National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (Namibia)

Where: Namibia

Role: Advisor

Client: GIZ Namibia


Evaluated which resources are needed in relation with what has been budgeted to allow a successful implementation of NBSAP2. Used UNDP-BIOFIN guidelines. 


Timeline: February 2017 until May 2017




Namibia's Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry's Annual Report 2015/2016

Where: Namibia

Role: Reviewer

Client: Government of Namibia


Review and editing of MAWF's Annual Report.


Timeline: December 2016




Communications Strategy for the National Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture Strategy (Namibia)

Where: Namibia

Role: Communications and Strategy Expert

Client: Gobabeb Research and Development Centre and Government of Namibia


Identifed challenges and opportunities in information sharing and uptake, reviewed best mechanisms that lead to changed practices. Analyzed constraints, barriers, challenges in the policy and management arena. Developed outreach training to local farmers and materials; developed content for high-level event including information package. Developed the communications strategy for the PGRFA Strategy for Namibia. Provided updates and lessons learnt of PGRFA Strategy development process.


Timeline: March 2015 until July 2015




Development of a National Species Action Plan

(Damara Tern) 

Where: Namibia

Role: Strategy Developer and Field Scientist

Client: Government of Namibia


Led field research (including field work from my PhD where I collated and analyzed 30 years of data collected by field staff of the Government, and did field research myself for 4 years), hosted and facilited a workshop for inputs from key stakeholders, developed species action plan.


Timeline: January 2015 until July 2015 




Technical advisor to NNF, WWF and NACSO for the planning of local level and ecosystem based vulnerability and adaptation assessments of the conservancy network of Namibia

Where: Namibia

Role: Advisor

Client: Namibia Nature Foundation


Advised a four organisation partnership (Namibia Nature Foundation, Worldwide Fund for Nature Namibia, the Namibian Conservancy Network, and Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation) on the methodology of conducting vulnerability and adaptation assessments in all conservancies of Namibia in order to develop a national conservancy climate change adaptation strategy. Focusing mainly on implementing ecosystem based adaptations at local-level. 


Timeline: June 2014 until December 2017 




IUCN CEC South and Meso America Engagement Strategy

Where: South and Meso America

Role: Strategy Developer

Client: IUCN CEC


Developed, in liaison with the Steering Committee and the Membership Liaison Officer, the two regional engagement strategies and agenda for the members meetings; led the process of engagement of members and meetings; facilitated both two and a half day meetings (San Jose, Costa Rica on 27-29 August; Quito, Ecuador on 1-3 September 2014) including the mobilising of members to develop member-driven project proposals for Nature Value campaigns (at regional and country level) toward Aichi Target 1 CEC work; write up and way forward for members in the two regions. Led the continued engagement in the regions until 2015. Also supported various strategies at global level, led the work planning and annual reporting for CEC in 2013 and 2015.


Timeline: May 2014 until May 2015




Development of the National Climate Change Policy and Strategy and Action Plan for Botswana

Where: Botswana

Role: Strategy Developer

Client: Government of Botswana and UNDP Botswana


Coordinated initial entry points into the development of the National Climate Change Policy and Strategy for Botswana. Presented at the Inception Workshop on the plan, facilitated the visioning workshop, developed the implementation plan and roadmap for the development of the NCCP and SAP. 


Timeline: July 2013 until October 2013




Development of the National Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan for Namibia

Where: Namibia

Role: Advisor

Client: Government of Namibia


Technical advisor to the team doing the review, and conducting final edit of the National Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan. Gave guidance to team on initial review process, including formulation of national review strategy. Conducted final review and comprehensive editing of the NCCSAP.


Timeline: July 2012 until August 2013 




National Adaptation Plan of Action and Vulnerability Assessment for Equatorial Guinea

Where: Equatorial Guinea

Role: Team Lead/Strategy Developer

Client: Government of Equatorial Guinea and UNDP Equatorial Guinea


Led the Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (local level and national level) of Equatorial Guinea; including the facilitation of Government and private sector working sessions; face-to-face interviews; community PRA exercises. As part of the VA, led a team of 12 experts and Government officials on the vulnerability assessment mission across country and islands of Equatorial Guinea (three week cross-country mission). Coordinated and facilitated the inputs from national consultants, led the entire National Adaptation Plan (NAPA) process, and drafted the NAPA for final in-country review and submission. As part of the NAPA process and on country request, drafted six project concetps based on the NAPA priorities (one on water basin management, one renewable energy, two on food security and natural resource management, one on extractive industries, one on climate resilient development) for immediate submission by UNDP once the NAPA was approved. 


Timeline: December 2012 until June 2013 




Five Terms of References for the five landscapes of NAMPLACE’s Strategic Environmental Assessments of the Tourism Sector (Namibia Protected Landscape Conservation Areas Initiative)

Where: Namibia

Role: Terms of Reference Developer

Client: Government of Namibia and UNDP Namibia


Conducted stakeholder face-to-face meetings, facilitated workshops and meetings, and went to all landscape sites  through a detailed participatory process. Developed five detailed Terms of Reference, peer reviewed, for the strategic environmental assessments of the tourism sectors in NAMPLACE’s five landscapes. 


Timeline: September 2012 until December 2012




Renewable energy fact finding and networking at PowerGen Conference for Southern Africa

Where: Southern Africa

Role: Strategist and Networker

Client: SAIS and Hermia (Finnish Renewable Energy Consortium)

Conducted pre-conference demand articulation with Finnish companies; attended the largest energy conference in Africa (POWERGEN) and conducted active contact sourcing; networking and creating strategic linkages between potentials and investment in southern Africa; networking and reporting on renewable energy sector in southern Africa for Hermia Ltd, 15 Finnish Companies interested in renewable energy capacity investment.


Timeline: November 2012 




Impact indicator framework for UNCCD party reporting

Where: Global

Role: Reviewer

Client: UNCCD Secretariat


Conducted the review of the draft indicator framework for UNCCD party reporting. Reviewed the reporting tools using (i) own expertise and knowledge, and (ii) in light of the feedback received from countries and insights gained from the pilot study national reports. Assessed the soundness of the scientific and technical information contained in the reporting tools, made specific suggestions and proposals for any required revisions, addressing the comments whereever possible. Assessed whether UNEP-WCMC had adequately addressed pilot countries' feedback on the reporting tools. 


Timeline: January 2012




Advocacy Policy Framework on Water for UNCCD Secretariat

Where: Global

Role: Reviewer

Client: UNCCD Secretariat


Reviewed the Draft Advocacy Policy Framework on Water of the UNCCD. Co-facilitated peer review; made own assessment and improved where necessary; developed a questionnaire to facilitate peer review of draft advocacy policy framework; liaised with peer reviewers and collected comments; updated the policy framework taking into account the findings of all peer reviewers; prepared summary presentation along with updated document.


Timeline: June 2011 until July 2011 




National climate risk management capacity assessments and capacity development plan of Namibia

Where: Namibia

Role: Support to Strategy Developer

Client: Government of Namibia


Supported organisation (identifying stakeholders, liaising) and co-facilitated two stakeholder panels of cross-sectoral and private sector participating in targeted working sessions; provided input and support into capacity assessment and capacity development plan of Namibia; presented the findings. 


Timeline: January 2011 until May 2011 




Climate change youth action programme and outreach strategy Namibia

Where: Namibia

Role: Team Lead/Strategy Developer

Client: Government of Namibia


Networked and mobilised national youth groups – with particular reference to gender, youth and climate change. Coodinated two pilots with demonstrable and sustainable impact and upscaling in other regions. Conducted multiple training sessions on climate change. Fostered relationships with high-level youth leaders and champions. Organised the National Youth Conference on Climate Change (content and logistics) – led a team of 25 people and brought together volunteer youth groups and the National Youth Council. Founded the Namibian Youth Coalition on Climate Change. Co-developed the website and all social media and coordinated all mass media communications through media advisories, press releases and interviews. Co-developed a youth video. Led the development of the Youth Action Plan and Outreach Strategy. Designed and developed a national high school climate change competition (selecting judges, designing calls, leading selection process, content, advertising, etc). Coordinated and implemented various other outreach activities. Design of various flyers and innovative and creative outreach materials. Mobilised entire nation of youth on climate change (e.g. the National Youth Council now prioritises climate change, various youth groups integrating climate change into work, young leaders have emerged who are championing for rights on the international climate arenas). 


Timeline: January 2011 until September 2011

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