Project Development & Evaluation
Terminal Evaluation of the UNEP/GEF project “Advancing sustainable resource management to improve livelihoods and protect biodiversity in Palau”
Where: Palau
Role: Evaluator
Client: UNEP and Government of Palau
Contracted to undertake the terminal evaluation of a project on advancing sustainable resource management to improve livelihoods and protect biodiversity. The project includes two facets, namely developing a sustainable land management framework, as well as biodiversity protection.
Timeline: August 2023 until December 2023
Mid-term review of the UNDP/GEF project “Sustainable Financing of Papua New Guinea’s Protected Area Network”
Where: Papua New Guinea
Role: Evaluator
Client: UNDP and Government of Papua New Guinea
Led the mid-term review of a project on financing the conservation of PNG PA network, including travelling with a national consultant throughout the country running interviews, conducting field visits, and holding strategy sessions to get the project on track. The mid-term review was a complicated task and many revisions needed to be made, including to the indicator framework, in order to keep it on track and sustain project results.
Timeline: October 2022 until February 2023
Review of Sustainable Land Management portfolio strategy of UNEP
Where: Georgia, Albania, Serbia, Kenya, Madagascar, Cuba
Role: Team Leader and Reviewer
Client: UNEP
Led a team of individual project evaluators for a portfolio review of six GEF/UNEP Sustainable Land Management Projects (including forestry, agriculture, industrial soil contamination, national policy, indicator frameworks on land degradation neutrality, among others) across the globe (Georgia, Albania, Serbia, Kenya, Madagascar, Cuba) to review and advise on the UNEP global strategy of its SLM interventions, particularly for GEF-8 programming.
Timeline: May 2022 until August 2023
Terminal Evaluation of the UNEP/GEF project “Enhanced sectoral land management through land use pressure reduction and planning in Serbia”
Where: Serbia
Role: Evaluator
Client: UNEP and Government of Serbia
Evaluated a project that focused on having long-term impacts on remediation and amelioration of degraded hotspots (degraded by industrial soil contamination), improved soil quality and capacity for utilization, enhanced pollution control and reduced pollution impact on ecosystem and human health, especially in the industries of mining, power production, and agriculture in Serbia.
Timeline: May until September 2022
Links: Evaluation Report
Terminal Evaluation of the UNEP/GEF project “Promoting sustainable land management (SLM) in Albania through integrated restoration of ecosystems”
Where: Albania
Role: Evaluator
Client: UNEP and Government of Albania
Evaluated a project that aimed to shift from unsustainable to sustainable land use in the forestry and agriculture sectors through the development of a comprehensive legal framework and a national multi-sectoral land management strategy, capacity development, as well as piloting activities in areas covering a total of more than 21,000 ha.
Timeline: May until September 2022
Links: Evaluation Report
Terminal Evaluation of the UNDP/GEF project “Seychelles Protected Areas Finance”
Where: Seychelles
Role: Evaluator
Client: UNDP and the Government of Seychelles
Led the evaluation with the support of a national consultant of the full-sized GEF funded UNDP project on protected areas financing in Seychelles.
Timeline: June until September 2021
Links: Evaluation Report
Terminal Evaluation of the UNEP/GEF “Sustainable land management and climate change mitigation co-benefits project (SLM-CCMC)”
Where: Global
Role: Evaluator
Client: UNEP
Evaluation of the full-sized global project on enhancing capacity and tool development toward the advancement of carbon monitoring in sustainable land management projects.
Timeline: April until August 2021
Links: Evaluation Report
Preparation of systems thinking exercise and blueprint document to inform coherent national (economic) development plan of Seychelles and Mauritius in Response to COVID-19
Where: Seychelles and Mauritius
Role: Project Developer and Reviewer
Was hired to prepare a paper to map out all decision-making processes and plans, and develop systems maps to identify leverage points, co-facilitate and take part in the national consultations, and ultimately provide policy options and pathways that have biggest leverage towards sustainable, resilient and inclusive economic recovery and development. Unfortunately due to contracting COVID, I had to cancel the contract, and as a result only supported the initial planning stages of the work including advising the national consultants and what to do. Found a strong replacement for the contract from my networks.
Timeline: August until September 2021 (exited out of contract due to health reasons - COVID-19)
Sustainable Land Management Portfolio Review
Where: Global
Role: Reviewer
Client: UNEP
Desktop review of 16 Terminal Evaluations of GEF funded UNEP projects on SLM to identify commonalities and recurring issues to support a more informed portfolio-review strategy in 2022. The review focused on (a) looking for insights, learning and results that relate to UNEP’s mid-term strategies and the SDGs, identify and position lessons UNEP could provide to the GEF, look for thematic issues that UNEP could (continue to) champion, insights that could inform strategic evaluation questions for the next five UNEP/GEF SLM evaluations.
Timeline: September until December 2021
Terminal Evaluation of the GEF/UNDP project “Integrated Landscape Management for improved livelihoods and ecosystem resilience in Mt Elgon” in Uganda
Where: Uganda
Role: Evaluator
Client: UNDP and Government of Uganda
Was the international consultant leading the evaluation of the project on integrated landscape management in the Mt Elgon region of Uganda, guided the national consultant in the field mission (as was unable to travel myself because of COVID-19 travel restrictions at the time, as a result, developed guidelines for national consultant support on how to run strategic field observations and interviews).
Timeline: August 2020 until October 2020
Links: Evaluation Report
Research Coordinator for TEEB (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity) Impacts Study
Where: Global
Role: Reviewer
Client: UNEP
Compiled information from TEEB interventions (global, national, institutional, corporate); analyzed the impact of effectiveness of those TEEB studies on the country, private sector and implementing partners; researched and documented success stories arising from TEEB publications, and implementation in general, across the world, over the past decade.
Timeline: December 2019 until June 2020
Supporting and advising on programmes on watershed management in Sinaloa, Mexico
Where: Mexico
Role: Advisor
Client: Conselva (unpaid)
Supported the NGO Conselva in their mission to protect watersheds in Sinaloa state (including advising on the economics of ecosystem services, sustainable land management, integrated water resources management, communication and awareness), including through project development.
Timeline: June 2019 until December 2022
Regional Advisor for BIOPAMA for Southern Africa
Where: Southern Africa
Role: Reviewer
Served on the Advisory Committee for Southern Africa; main role was project proposal assessment, evaluation, final selection and award stage of the BIOPAMA grant process. BIOPAMA supports field projects in protected and conserved areas, wider conservation landscapes and priority landscapes.
Timeline: June 2019 until June 2020
Terminal Evaluation of UNEP/GEF “Biochar for Sustainable Soils” project
Where: China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Peru
Role: Evaluator
Client: UNEP
Conducted the terminal evaluation of a GEF UNEP Project on Biochar application as a way to improve soil health and crop production in demonstration sites (from small-holder farmer to industrial agriculture) in six countries: China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Peru.
Timeline: May 2019 until November 2019
Links: Evaluation Report
International Sustainable Land Management Expert for UNDP Sudan/GEF Project development for “Strengthening the Protected Areas Network and Integrated Ecosystem Management in Sudan”
Where: Sudan
Role: Project Developer
Client: UNDP and Government of Sudan
Led the work stream on sustainable land management - particularly Component 3 of the full-size GEF project which dealt with food security and livelihood options for communities living in and outside of the protected areas, and options for enhancing benefits and collaborative management with Government. Supported overall project development for submission to GEF for endorsement, including tracking tools and capacity assessment score cards. (five year project, GEF contribution of USD 4,1 million, with substantial co-financing from Government and UNDP, from BD and LD focal areas).
Timeline: November 2018 until April 2019
Link: Project Document
Feasibility study of Transnational Project on Climate Change Adaptation in Mozambique, Namibia and South Africa
Where: Mozambique, Namibia and South Africa
Role: Advisory and Project Developer
Client: SODi (BMZ)
Facilitated workshop of key implementing partners in the design of the Transnational Project, reviewed project plan, conducted feasibility study to inform and guide development of the project (three year project, EUR 800,000 across three countries).
Timeline: November until December 2018
Climate Change Local Level Vulnerability Assessment of Maurus Nekaro Conservancy in Kavango West, Namibia
Where: Namibia
Role: Resilience Specialist
Client: Namibia Nature Foundation
Undertook desktop review of key climate change adaptation issues in area, conducted and facilitated a participatory workshop to identify key risk areas, propose adaptation actions, develop a plan for community actions, develop a matrix of higher level risks that require interventions, incorporated youth and gender aspects, delivered a Climate Vulnerability Assessment Report for the Conservancy.
Timeline: August until September 2018
Feasibility study on the potential and viability of Community-Based Tourism Enterprises (CBTE) of selected sites in southern regions of Namibia
Where: Namibia
Role: Oversight
Client: Government of Namibia
Partnered with Ngoma Consultants on developing the assessment and sustainability plan of six CBNRM conservancies, conducting a rapid situational analysis of existing CBTEs and preliminary economic analysis for tourism in nine selected sites, and developing an in-depth feasibility report presenting a strategy and business plan for harnessing tourism activities in three sites found most suitable.
Timeline: August until November 2018
Global programmatic development of Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (Coast, Ocean and Land) for United Nations Environment Programme
Where: Global
Role: Project Developer
Client: UNEP
Supported the Economics Division and Ecosystems Division of UNEP in the development of a large (20 million USD) project that encompasses the following work streams: System of Environmental Economics Accounts (in five countries), Inclusive Wealth Index, TEEB for Agriculture and Food, TEEB for Oceans and Coasts. Developed the Theory of Change, including complex causal pathways, and led the finalisation of project for submission.
Timeline: January 2018 until May 2018
Terminal Evaluation of the UNEP project “Strengthening decision-making through Valuation and Accounting of Natural Capital for Green Economy” (VANTAGE)
Where: Global
Role: Evaluator
Client: UNEP
Conducted the terminal evaluation of the VANTAGE project, a global project working on developing and refining valuation and accounting for green economy transitions. Included developing the Theory of Change and ROtI analysis.
UNEP, 01/18-06/18
Baseline, Mid-term Review and Final Evaluation of the Climate Project Namibia
Where: Namibia
Role: Reviewer and Advisor
Client: Hanns Seidel Foundation
Baseline: Conducted a desk review of key national documents to assess the network of key stakeholders for the project and its National Information Campaign, including stakeholder mapping. Identified the study sample including reliable data collection for replication at the end of the project, through a combination of research methods including a cross-sectional survey, semi-structured interviews, and focus group discussions. Designed, distributed survey questionnaire and compiled responses. Conducted interviews, and organised and facilitated two 1.5 hour focus group discussions. Developed report consolidating all findings from the desk review, survey, interviews and focus group discussion with analysis of key information needs of different groups/audiences, recommended channels and key messages. Mid-term review: Conducted interviews, developed and distributed the survey to ascertain levels of impact at the mid-point of the project, and gave recommendations to be integrated into the final project phase. Final evaluation: Conducted the end of project evaluation for the Hanns Seidel three-year climate awareness project, including developing robust methodology, conducting interviews, running multiple surveys, analysing results and developing comprehensive final evaluation report.
Timeline: Baseline: April until June 2015, Mid-term: October until November 2016, Final evaluation: November until December 2017
Global UNDP Vetted Roster of Experts for Sustainable Land Management and Biodiversity
Where: Global
Role: UNDP Expert
Client: UNDP
On expert roster, work including multiple deliverables within national, regional and global programmes or projects led by the Ecosystems and Biodiversity team in the Global Environmental Finance (UNDP-GEF) unit in Headquarters or Regional Hubs, and Country Offices.
Leading the initial development of “Increasing Climate Change Resilience of CBNRM through Adaptation in the Tourism Sector in Namibia” project proposal for submission to Green Climate Fund
Where: Namibia
Role: Team Lead
Client: Environmental Investment Fund Namibia
Led a team of experts (social and environmental safeguard, gender, communications, economic feasibility) to develop the planning involved for the development of the project document.
Timeline: April until June 2017
Terminal Evaluation of the TEEB Phase III Project (Economics of Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity) National Implementation (Bhutan, Tanzania, Philippines, Ecuador)
Where: Bhutan, Tanzania, Philippines and Ecuador
Role: Evaluator
Client: UNEP
Conducted the terminal evaluation of the “The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity - TEEB Phase III", including the project “TEEB National Implementation: Reflecting the Value of Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Policymaking” (funded by the EU Thematic Programme for Environment and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources including Energy (ENRTP)). This evaluation included field visits and intensive stakeholder consultations in countries Liberia, Tanzania, Philippines, Bhutan and Ecuador. Also responsible for developing the Theory of Change. It also involves recommendations toward the development of the TEEB Phase IV Project (which I then led - see above Programmatic Development of TEEB).
Timeline: December 2016 until June 2017
Links: Evaluation Report
Terminal Evaluation of “Strengthening ecosystems and development linkages through innovative economic approaches for green growth” UNEP project
Where: Global
Role: Evaluator
Client: UNEP
Evaluated the Green Growth Global Umbrella Project, including developing a Theory of Change, on ecosystem services economics under various partnerships such as the UNEP, ELD, WAVES, TEEB, and others which included the development of various reporting e.g. Inclusive Wealth Report 2014, and various policy maker dialogues and platforms.
Timeline: May until August 2016
Links: Evaluation Report
Terminal Evaluation UNDA 8th Tranch-funded project “Mainstreaming ecosystem services into country's sectoral and macroeconomic policies and programmes”
Where: Morocco and Kazakhstan
Role: Evaluator
Client: UNEP
Evaluated a project on mainstreaming economic services through pilot studies conducted in Morocco and Kazakhstan by various research institutions, universities and regional bodies, coordinated by UNEP. Including the development of a Theory of Change and ROtI analysis.
Timeline: May until August 2016
Links: Evaluation Report
Terminal Evaluation of GEF/UNEP Medium-sized Project "Piloting Integrated Processes and Approaches to Facilitate National Reporting to Rio Conventions (FNR_Rio)"
Where: Afghanistan, Laos, Palau, Eritrea, Mauritius and Liberia
Role: Evaluator
Client: UNEP
Conducted the terminal evaluation, including a robust Theory of Change and ROtI analysis, of a UNEP executed GEF project piloting processes that facilitate improved national reporting to the three Rio conventions, UNFCCC, UNCCD and CBD, including field visits. The project was piloted in Afghanistan, Laos, Palau, Eritrea, Mauritius and Liberia.
Timeline: August 2015 until March 2016
Links: Evaluation Report
Terminal Evaluation of GEF Medium-sized Project "Stimulating Community Initiatives in Sustainable Land Management (SCI-SLM)"
Where: Ghana, Morocco, South Africa and Uganda
Role: Evaluator
Client: UNEP
Conducted the terminal evaluation, including a robust Theory of Change and ROtI analysis, of a UNEP executed GEF project that implemented sustainable land management activities at community-level in Ghana, Morocco, South Africa and Uganda, focusing on what are the social dynamics that drive innovation and spread of SLM technologies.
Timeline: August 2015 until March 2016
Links: Evaluation Report
Led the detailed review of conservation agriculture and climate change in northern Namibia
Where: Namibia
Role: Review
Client: GIZ Namibia
Reviewed all policies, strategies and programmes related to conservation agriculture and climate change adaptation in Namibia. Reviewed all conservation agriculture initiatives and conducted face-to-face and telephonic interviews with key stakeholders. Compiled review report and stakeholder mapping to be used as a baseline for the implementation of the GIZ MAWF project on conservation agriculture in northern Namibia, including workshop agenda and outline, and recommendations of intervention areas.
Timeline: May until July 2015
Development of Full Size GEF/UNDP Project “Strengthening the Management Effectiveness of the National System of Protected Areas” of Papua New Guinea
Where: Papua New Guinea
Role: Editor and Reviewer
Client: Integrated Environmental Consultants Namibia (through sub-contract)
Researching various background studies on specific activities of the outputs, addressing UNDP comments on draft project document, and reviewing and editing final document before submission to GEF on behalf of Papua New Guinea.
Timeline: October 2014
Final edit of the SCORE (Scaling up community resilience to climate variability and climate change in Northern Namibia, with a special focus on women and children) Full Size GEF/UNDP Project
Where: Namibia
Role: Editor and Reviewer
Client: Integrated Environmental Consultants Namibia (through sub-contract)
Reviewed and edited final version of SCORE FSP for UNDP submission to GEF on behalf of Namibia to access the SCCF.
Timeline: May 2013
Technical advisor to NNF, WWF and NACSO for the planning of local level and ecosystem based vulnerability and adaptation assessments of the conservancy network of Namibia
Where: Namibia
Role: Advisor
Client: Namibia Nature Foundation
Advised a four organisation partnership (Namibia Nature Foundation, Worldwide Fund for Nature Namibia, the Namibian Conservancy Network, and Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation) on the methodology of conducting vulnerability and adaptation assessments in all conservancies of Namibia in order to develop a national conservancy climate change adaptation strategy. Focused mainly on implementing ecosystem based adaptations at local-level.
Timeline: June 2014 until December 2017
Mid Term Review of the “Adaptation to the effects of climate change and variability in Agro-ecological Regions I and II Project of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Zambia” GEF/UNDP project
Where: Zambia
Role: Desktop Research
Client: IECN
Supported international consultant with the MTR; analyzed all achievements per output by project implementers and partners; co-drafted Annexes.
Timeline: April until June 2013
Terminal Evaluation of the UNEP CC DARE (Climate Change and Development Initiative) Programme: “Reducing vulnerability by adapting to climate change in 11 African Countries”
Where: Benin, Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda and Ethiopia
Role: Evaluator
Client: UNEP
Was hired as the support consultant, but conducted the lead (shadowed the lead consultant) and drafted the entire Terminal Evaluation for all 11 African countries (Benin, Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Ethiopia). Co-drafted the Annexes of the Terminal Evaluation. Wrote separate detailed Terminal Evaluations for all three countries visited (Rwanda, Malawi and Ethiopia); co-developed the Theory of Change with the lead consultant; developed questionnaire and interview guide; worked on a stringent criteria system.
Timeline: December 2012 until March 2013
Development of the GEF FSP on “Building adaptive capacity to catalyze active public and private sector participation to manage the exposure and sensitivity of water supply services to climate change in Sierra Leone”
Developed the table of contents for reporting by all national consultants (EWS; Rainwater harvesting at large scale and small scale; rural water supply infrastructure and capacity); researched, reviewed and added content to all national reports; developed vulnerability assessment tool/guide to conduct local level assessments on vulnerability and adaptation in-country; co-wrote the entire FSP with the lead consultant.
Timeline: July 2012 until January 2013
Leading the national baseline for the transboundary integrated land and water resource management project in the Molopo-Nossob River Basin (GEF FSP “Enhancing decision-making through interactive environmental learning and action towards sustainable land management in the Molopo-Nossob River basin in Botswana, Namibia and South Africa”)
Where: Botswana, Namibia and South Africa
Role: Project Team Lead
Client: UNEP and IUCN
Led the project team on the national baseline; conducted field visits to selected pilot sites to run expert land condition assessments (biophysical); designed and conducted PRA exercises, local level consultations, community questionnaire; and face-to-face interviews. Developed the Situation Analysis including profile of the area, gaps and challenges to SLM; developed a Theory of Change at pilot sites, national and basin level; catalogued existing innovations and SLM best practices; developed a detailed evaluation and monitoring programme – indicator framework on land condition and community profiling; developed project monitoring tool.
Timeline: February until May 2012
Preparation of GEF (FAO) PIFs for fisheries and climate change interventions in Cape Verde and Malawi
Where: Cape Verde and Malawi
Role: Support to Project Developer
Client: FAO
Supported the lead consultant on the development of the PIFs (project concept; research and drafting of PIF concepts for the preparation of final PIFs for submission by FAO to GEF.
Timeline: January until April 2012
Terminal Evaluation of the Communication and Awareness Strategy of the “National Coastal Conservation and Management Project” (NACOMA – World Bank/GEF FSP)
Where: Namibia
Role: Evaluator
Client: NACOMA
Led the team on the terminal evaluation. Reviewed all relevant documentation, communication and awareness strategy and implementation activities; developed questionnaire; identified key stakeholders and target groups; designed and led the field survey to all coastal regions; coordinated the collating, analysis of survey results; writing of comprehensive assessment – with detailed evaluation criteria.
Timeline: October until December 2011