Depth Facilitation
Games for the Sustainable Development Goals (“Games for the SDGs”)
Where: Namibia
Role: Game developer and Depth Facilitator
Client: Self-driven and then funded by various funders
Developed a game series called “Games for the SDGs” for various targets groups to understand complex systems and enhance awareness and agency towards the active implementation Sustainable Development Goals (at individual, household, institutional, community, political and other levels). Most gaming starts and ends with deep dialogues, Mendell Theory and other depth facilitation techniques to dive deeper into nuanced and complex topics. Trained 6 young professionals in depth facilitation and simulation learning to take over and carry on hosting the games. One of these did his Masters Thesis on the games. Started as self-funded and by the last year was fully sponsored and in high demand. Three institutions from different countries (Sudan, Belgium, Australia) contacted us for templates and guidance on how to run similar games.
Timeline: November 2017 until February 2019 (it is still ongoing without me)
Links: One of the Lessons Learnt Reports, News item, Journal Article: Mangundu R and Braby J. 2019. Games for Sustainable Development Goals Namibia: Towards Youth Engagement in Achieving Sustainability. Solutions Journal. 10:3. https://www.thesolutionsjournal.com/article/games-sustainable-development-goals-namibia-towards-youth-engagement-achieving-sustainability/
Climate Change Local Level Vulnerability Assessment of Maurus Nekaro Conservancy in Kavango West, Namibia
Where: Namibia
Role: Depth Facilitator and Strategy Developer
Client: Namibia Nature Foundation
Undertook desktop review of key climate change adaptation issues in area, and then developed the content and did depth facilitation of a participatory workshop to identify key risk areas, propose adaptation actions, develop a plan for community actions, develop a matrix of higher level risks that require interventions, incorporated youth and gender aspects, delivered a Climate Vulnerability Assessment Report for the Conservancy.
Timeline: August 2018 until September 2018
Core Faculty Member of University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership
Where: Namibia
Role: Facilitator and Advisor
Client: University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership
Depth-facilitated key sessions on various sustainability sessions, such as mobility and food dilemmas, planetary boundaries, communication, and much more. Was part of training about shared value for corporations. Supporting town transformation of the town of Oranjemund toward a sustainable model town, including holding citizenry dialogues and co-creation of town transformation.
Timeline: Five workshops between 2015 and 2016
For Progress Namibia Project: Towards new development models and indicators to measure progress
Where: Namibia
Role: Lead Facilitator
Client: Self-driven (self-funding)
As part of understanding what constitutes a good life and progress in Namibia and thus identify and develop models for development, led a team to collect narratives and host depth dialogue sessions across Namibia, with a focus on Windhoek. This included deep communication, conflict resolution methods, deep listening, various interview techniques, focus group discussions, dialogue through co-working, co-developing and rituals (e.g. cooking, gardening), small trust-building workshops, among others. Held meetings and presentations on this work at various levels, all the way up to Presidential level, developing policy briefs and publishing papers on the work.
Timeline: October 2011 until March 2020 (it is still ongoing without me)
Links: Short video on seeking narratives for a good life for Namibia Public lecture by Lorenzo Fioramonti (invited to give a talk on Wellbeing Economy).
"Deep Dive: Human Dimensions of Biodiversity" and IUCN Council Professional Updating Session (IUCN Councillors and High Level Representatives)
Where: Switzerland
Role: Co-facilitator
Client: IUCN Commission on Education and Communication
Developed content and co-facilitated a session for IUCN Leadership on more effective communication through deeper understanding of human dimensions of biodiversity. Included value systems of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Along with the UNCBD, developed the content for the global thinkers meeting (members invited included all IUCN Commission Chairs, the Director General of IUCN, Head of Communications of CBD, etc), and co-facilitated the event held in Gland, Switzerland, November 2013. Also supported to coordination of the IUCN Council Professional Updating session (advising Councillors on how to better communicate IUCN).
Links: IUCN Commission on Education and Communication
Timeline: October 2013 until November 2013
Leading the national baseline for the transboundary integrated land and water resource management project in the Molopo-Nossob River Basin (GEF FSP ‘Enhancing decision-making through interactive environmental learning and action towards sustainable land management in the Molopo-Nossob River basin in Botswana, Namibia and South Africa’)
Where: Namibia
Role: Lead for Baseline Study
Client: UNEP and IUCN
Led the project team doing the national baseline, included socio-economic assessments and depth dialogue processes, including conflict resolution, to get deeper to the issues that surround the watershed system. Conducted Public Rural Appraisal and local-level co-development practices and focus group sessions that included trust-building. Conducted a sistuation analysis and (co)developed a Theory of Change for the sites, and developed a project monitoring tool.
Timeline: February 2012 until May 2012
Namibia Climate Change Ambassadors Programme: development of information packages and targeted awareness raising and training to decision-makers and practitioners on climate change adaptation
Where: Namibia
Role: Strategy Advisor and Facilitator
Client: Government of Namibia
Guided, advised and supported the lead consultant in the entire programme. Supported the selection of Ambassadors and liaised directly with Ambassadors (made up of decision makers and technocrats in the public and private sector). Developed the facilitators agendas for the first two training modules, after which the lead consultant used these as templates for the final two modules. Co-facilitated sections of the training modules (100 climate change ambassadors). Presented at the modules and conducted training sessions on communication. Developed and administered the Ambassadors Blog. Reviewed and edited the information packages for the Ambassadors.
Timeline: January 2011 until May 2011
Design and implementation of a climate change youth action programme and outreach strategy
Where: Namibia
Role: Facilitator and Project Manager
Client: Government of Namibia
Led the entire project from start to finish (a team of 25 people and acquired roughly 100 volunteers). Networked and mobilised national youth groups – with particular reference to gender, youth and climate change. Coodinated two pilots with demonstrable and sustainable impact and upscaling in other regions. Conducted multiple training sessions, included depth facilitation processes, on climate change. Fostered relationships with high-level youth leaders and champions. Organised the National Youth Conference on Climate Change (content and logistics) – led a team of 25 people and brought together volunteer youth groups and the National Youth Council. Founded the Namibian Youth Coalition on Climate Change. Co-developed the website and all social media and coordinated all mass media communications through media advisories, press releases and interviews. Co-developed a youth video. Led the development of the Youth Action Plan and Outreach Strategy. Designed and developed a national high school climate change competition (selecting judges, designing calls, leading selection process, content, advertising, etc). Coordinated and implemented various other outreach activities. Design of various flyers and innovative and creative outreach materials. Mobilised entire nation of youth on climate change (e.g. the National Youth Council now prioritises climate change, and held the National Youth Week on Climate Change in 2012, and multiple other years, the Coalition is still operating ).
Timeline: January 2011 until September 2011
Compilation of five regional climate change adaptation information toolkits
Where: Namibia
Role: Advisor
Client: Government of Namibia
Provided guidance and advice throughout design and development process of all toolkits; creative direction into radio advertisements; development of facilitation programme on Training of Trainers of the toolkits in all regions; co-authored a paper on lessons learnt. Gender was of particular importance in this project.
Timeline: January 2011 until July 2011
Links: Journal article on the work (David A, Braby J, Zeidler J, Kandjinga L, Ndokosho J. 2013. Building adaptive capacity in rural Namibia: Community information toolkits on climate change. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, Vol. 5 Iss: 2, pp.215 - 229)