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Jan 30, 2024
How will our energy choices drive the Namibian economy?
by Justine Braby and Reinhold Mangundu (Photo source:

Sep 30, 2023
How do we protect the value of our Surf breaks?
Some years ago when I was doing some work in Liberia, I managed to get some time off to go to Robertsport to surf. I remember seeing kids...

Jan 27, 2022
What is Education for? by David Orr
We were reminded the other day by the very powerful essay (it was a speech given to graduating students in 1991) by David Orr, that has...

Sep 6, 2021
Is it easy to grow your own food?
We had a hurricane pass us about a week ago (Nora). It did not hit us here in Mazatlan near as hard as we expected, but we did have heavy...

Feb 2, 2021
Interconnections versus structure - a different way to look at reality
Here is some inspiration from Fritjof Capra, a physicist made famous by his book “The Tao of Physics”. But it is not from this book that...

Oct 20, 2020
Finding spirituality in Nature
"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." Albert Einstein Years ago, while living in Peru, Amanda Stronza...

Jul 13, 2020
Perspective is the most powerful tool you have
Having a chat the other day with a dear friend inspired me to write a piece on perspective. I will share a few thoughts of mine - both on...

Jun 11, 2020
Some ramblings from Small is Beautiful Economics as if People Mattered
I am busy reading (surprisingly, for the first time) "Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered" by EF Schumacher, written in...

May 20, 2020
Let's do the food system right (Part 2)
Last week I wrote about the current realities of the food system. That, in short, the way we grow, collect, move, sell, buy, and...

Apr 26, 2020
Some inspirational musings for your quarantine
This week I thought I would share some writings and musings by other people which have been giving me some guidance. I hope they do you...

Apr 19, 2020
What will the world look like after COVID-19
We are all living in deep uncertainty right now. Lock-down. Discussions are taking place within teams tasked to decide each country's...

Mar 15, 2020
I think I might have the Coronavirus. This is what I did.
Some of you might know that I recently came back to Namibia for a few weeks to be with my friends and family. When I arrived back in...

Mar 9, 2020
What humanity might learn from corona
Last time I spoke I was waiting on results of my coronavirus test. I turned out to be negative. But since then many things have unfolded....

Jan 20, 2020
Food can either make us healthy or sick - what's cool is the choice is ours! (Part 1)
I am currently doing some work for the UN Office that works on the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity. Part of this work has me...

Jan 13, 2020
Two must-reads for the start of the year
I am very excited to share with you in this Weekly the recent launch of two books by colleagues of mine. The first book is by Desta...

Jan 8, 2020
New Decade, New Leaders
It is no secret that we have begun the near year with our world in turmoil. A colleague much more senior, intelligent and experienced...

Nov 12, 2019
World Scientists Warning of a Climate Emergency
Image Source: Scientists have a moral obligation - it...

Oct 28, 2019
UN Keynote on Sustainability and the Anthropocene (by Patrick Keys)
A new friend and acquaintance of mine, Dr Patrick Keys, who works at the Stockholm Resilience Centre, recently gave a Keynote address to...

Oct 14, 2019
Launch of new children's book Ellie and the Desert
Myself and Hage Mukwendje (illustrator) are pleased to announce that (finally!) we have finished and are launching the children's book...

Oct 6, 2019
What is Love
I have written many times before about Dana Meadows, one of the best system dynamics modellers in the world, and a person who has...
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