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Nov 12, 2019
World Scientists Warning of a Climate Emergency
Image Source: Scientists have a moral obligation - it...

Sep 29, 2019
How dare you A Message for our Leaders
Many of us despair in the current system, knowing how close we are to collapse. Every unnecessary single-use plastic item, every flight...

Aug 28, 2019
Stories and feelings from recent travels Sudan, Mexico, Ethiopia, China and Vietnam
For this weekly, after having been quiet for a few weeks, I thought to ramble on without purpose about a few thoughts and feelings...

Jul 3, 2019
Industrial Corridors as a Backbone of Namibia's Development (by Detlof von Oertzen and Justine Braby
After my last weekly, one of my readers emailed me and asked me to give a concrete example of how development in Namibia could be...

May 14, 2019
Timber...or living forests
My language is vastly unable to express how I feel about what we, humans, are doing to our home, our fellow Earthlings. The depth, the...

Apr 7, 2019
The kind of businesses we should be supporting an example from e-waste
The picture you see above is from Agbogloshie. You may have heard of it. A roughly 4 square kilometer scrapyard in the heart of Accra,...

Mar 4, 2019
Let's talk water...again
Almost every day for the last month we have stared at the cloudy skies with hope that they will break and deliver us with much needed...

Jan 14, 2019
Will technology save us from collapse
[Image Source (quote added based on Dana's Meadows assumptions by humanity):

Nov 12, 2018
Plastic. Let's talk.
[Image Source:] I have written about plastic before. Plastic and water....

Oct 14, 2018
Risking human existence for a few years of profit
[Image Source:] So I have been trying to fly less, and when I do fly, I try and fly as direct as possible. You would...

Aug 4, 2018
Forget 'sustainable', let's move to 'regenerative' development
Image source: We abuse the land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us....

Jul 22, 2018
Changing the way mobile phones are made
Image: Miners in DRC showing minerals after two days in the mine pit. Source: Fairphone, The mobile...

Jul 15, 2018
Fuel prices are increasing could this be a good thing
The fuel prices are going up, and everyone is in high distress. Of course, in our current system, increasing fuel prices will inevitably...

Jun 24, 2018
Two innovative ways to deal with food waste
When we speak about global hunger and ending it, often the solution that is focused on is amping up industrial and large-scale...

Jun 3, 2018
The GDP Trap - and the possibilities to get out
[Image Source: Ida Kubiszewski et al, “Beyond GDP: Measuring and Achieving Global Genuine Progress,” Ecological Economics, 93, (2013).]...

May 27, 2018
National clean-up campaign sees some great activities come to life
President Hage Geingob called on all Namibians to stand together on Africa Day in turning up for a national clean-up campaign in their...

May 6, 2018
The Namibian Environmental Education Network meets for their annual conference
The Namibian Environmental Education Network (NEEN), a network of environmental educators in Namibia, just had their conference over the...

Apr 29, 2018
Biomimicry as a transformative paradigm_Guest Author Gamelihle Sibanda
[Image Credit: Toktokkie harvests water from fog in the Namib Desert. Source:] A friend...

Mar 26, 2018
Come on! Capitalism, short-termism, population and the destruction of our planet
The book 'Come On! Capitalism, Short-termism, Population and the Destruction of the Planet - A Report to the Cub of Rome' is a read that...

Mar 12, 2018
Namibia footing a climate change bill of N$400 billion in coming years
Remember the Paris Agreement? The one the USA pulled out of? Each country should come up with their Intended Nationally Determined...
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