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Jan 27, 2022
What is Education for? by David Orr
We were reminded the other day by the very powerful essay (it was a speech given to graduating students in 1991) by David Orr, that has...

Feb 18, 2019
Growing and spreading the Games for the SDGs
As most of you know, Progress Namibia started and has been leading the "Games for the SDGs" series, which has been running since the end...

Feb 11, 2019
The necessity of unlearning in education
Have you ever heard of unlearning? Our world views, our mental models, are shaped by our education, but also by our personal experiences,...

Sep 30, 2018
The role of education and learning in sustainability
[Vala Ragnarsdottir, Emelia Arthur, Maja Göpel and Justine Braby at the Balaton Meeting 2018. Source: via Vala Ragnarsdottir] Coming back...

May 6, 2018
The Namibian Environmental Education Network meets for their annual conference
The Namibian Environmental Education Network (NEEN), a network of environmental educators in Namibia, just had their conference over the...

Nov 13, 2017
Namibian Education for Sustainable Development Policy is underway
After a month away seeing the consequences of ocean acidification on coral reefs (a very depressing sight and all the more reason to...

Oct 16, 2017
Universities as a catalyst for global change
How important are universities in advancing sustainability, and in fact, the Sustainable Development Goals? Very. In Namibia, there are...

Apr 6, 2017
The FRACTAL LAB a learning experience for me (by Reinhold Mangundu)
In the beginning of March, I attended the Future Resilience for African Cities and Lands (FRACTAL) project workshop at the beautiful Heja...

Feb 28, 2017
Envisioning sustainable neighbourhoods (Guest Author: Reinhold Mangundu)
Our Reinhold Mangundu has been volunteer teaching youngsters at the Physically Active Youth Centre in Katutura on sustainability. Here is...

Feb 27, 2017
The Privilege Walk A first of the 'Games for the SDGs'
Progress Namibia, along with partners Hanns Seidel Foundation (Think Namibia), Namibian Youth Coalition on Climate Change, National Youth...

Feb 21, 2017
Why We Should Value Trust First
Those of you who have been reading our Weekly regularly might remember the work we are doing on moving towards a wellbeing economy. As...

Dec 12, 2016
Why every graduating student should understand systems thinking and sustainability
Recently, I have been in many discussions about how to mainstream sustainability and the sustainable development goals into university...

Oct 16, 2016
The Namibian University of Science and Technology has built the first Namibian Solar Taxi
Africa is facing rapid urbanization, and if we look at Namibia, our public transport needs a lot of work. Currently, 50% of us take taxis...
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